
September 6, 2015

Why LinkedIn Can Be A Gold Mine for Business

In business you need LinkedIn. This is not social media! It is a very good tool for connecting with potential clients and business people. Why is this […]
September 6, 2015

Classic Michael Gerber Video – The E Myth

Michael Gerber, author of The E Myth, shares why most small businesses do not work. Knowing this might be just one more thing that will help […]
September 6, 2015

Be a Farmer not a Hunter

Building a DataBase is one of the most important TASKS that you need to work on constantly for your business. Farming and contacting your DataBase is the next Task that must be done on a regular basis.
September 6, 2015

How Do I Get More Clients?

This is not an easy question to answer. It is multi faceted and has many answers. The first of which I would say is never quit. Never […]